posted on May 15th, 2023


Spring is in the air and it’s that time of year when we refresh our wardrobes, pack away our winter woollies, and get out our summer wear out for the months ahead.


It’s also a time when many of us decide that a bit of a clear out and a reorganise is in order.


If you’re thinking of bagging up those bits that you never really fell in love with, are planning to ship out some of the kids gear that you know won’t cut it when they return to class in the Autumn, or simply have a yearning for more free space in the wardrobe, why not keep your local charity shop in mind?


The Self Help Africa Northern Ireland shops would welcome any contributions of worn but not worn out goods, and can find them a second home while raising much needed funds for its development projects in Africa.


Gerard Magee, Head of Retail, Self Help Africa Northern Ireland, says that every £30 that is raised by local shops in Ballynahinch, Bangor, Belfast, Dunmurry, Holywood and Lisburn is enough to set a rural poor family in Africa on the path to self sufficiency.


“We’re always looking for stock, so if you have a bag of clothing, some unwanted toys or other goods, or have books, bric-a-brac or other bits and pieces that you’d like to find a new home for, please keep us in mind,” said Gerard.


Self Help Africa raises hundreds of thousands of pounds each year through its shops network to support its efforts to eradicate hunger and poverty, every year.


Self Help Africa is currently implementing development projects in 17 countries across the globe. The organisation is one of Ireland’s leading overseas aid organisations. To find out more about its work visit:

Self Help Africa is currently implementing development projects in 17 countries across the globe. The organisation is one of Ireland’s leading overseas aid organisations. To find out more about its work visit:

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